vrijdag 5 juli 2013

MENstruating is MANLY!

So... how do I survive the monthly 'hell week'? (I huddle up in a dark corner, live on ice cream, candy, lots of coffee, and listen to loud psychedelic music until it's over. Ahem... no, lol! :P)

Well, something which really helped for me, is not to see it as something specifically 'feminine' anymore. After all, there ARE men who menstruate! Namely, TRANSmen. You can say whatever you want, but for me, transmen are just as much men as cismen.
Besides that... just imagine that CIS men were the ones menstruating (and having a womb), and not women. They'd probably brag about how 'strong' one has to be to 'survive' five days of intense bleeding and pain, saying women are 'weak' and cannot deal with pain properly BECAUSE they don't menstruate (and don't deal with the pain of childbirth). They'd also say that a womb is a far more superior organ compared to a penis (which, biologically seen, it IS! (just gimme a penis though, lol)), because a penis hangs in the outside and is vulnerable, and the womb can give 'the gift of life'. Also would a man have to be strong to have a 'parasite' (as that is basically what a baby is (mothers, don't kill me!)) in your belly for NINE months and share your 'resources and energy' with it.

We should just stop seeing genitals as the indication of gender, and rather see them as 'useful tools' to get kids with, pleasure with, and pee with. The TRUE gender is in one's head, not in one's body. If only cispeople could see and accept this, a lot of transpeople would feel a lot happier (some might even not transition, and at least feel more accepted BEFORE they transition)

So the next time you feel shit about hell week, think about how goddamn manly it is! Or you could of course buy yourself some nice treat, take off the pressure, maybe buy some new masculine shirt if that makes you feel good, or just relax and do nothing all the time. Just take it easy, and don't think about things feminine. And yes... I still don't like it either. Fact is... I HATE it. But these small things have kept me from going insane WHILE hating it. ;)

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