Hey guys (and gals. Not forgetting you, hey!). First of all, sorry for not keeping up with my updates well. It has just been rather busy, and I kept lacking the motivation to write, so now I'll also go over the fifth visit/fourth talk in this post, even though that was about half a month ago.
Also a small update: I came out to all my remaining family members (for those who didn't know yet), and all of them responded very well. I never expected my family to be SO supportive. Sure, I thought they'd be 'fine' with it, but possibly also a bit taken aback or bewildered. The contrary was true. Quite some of my family members already knew much more about transgenderism than I anticipated, and all of them right away tried to call me Erik and him (though often failing, but this is more than I could ever hope for!), and I even got a shaving razor (can't get 'em soon enough, eh? :P) and a juice and tea glass with my name (the right one!) on it!
All this time I was afraid of rejection... but actually all I got was even more support than ever. Wow.
Fourth talk
This time the talk was mostly with my parents. They really want to speak to either a parent, sibling, or really close friend (from when you were still young) to figure out better what kind of person you were as a kid, and -presumably, even though they don't say it- to double check your own story.
I brought both my parentss with me, as they are both supportive and I felt like it would be a bad thing to 'choose sides'.
My mom was a bit hazy, as usual, and kept dragging in irrelevant details, also as usual. But she did show her support, and even though she was annoyed by my dad (rightfully) interrupting her (if not we'd still be talking NOW), I think this was better than leaving her behind in the waiting room. My dad did most of the talking, as my mom is VERY bad in coming to the point of things she wants to tell.
They backed up my story at several points, even though I hadn't told them what I told my psych. Good, that means my memory isn't playing tricks on me or something, haha. They also showed their support and understanding, which I am very grateful of.
In the end, I think it went well, and they left a good impression on my psych as a supportive family (which they are).
I also notice my parents, especially my dad, becoming more understanding. My mom still finds it difficult to let go of the image she has in her mind of her 'daughter', but I clearly see she's trying and willing to change, so I think that'll be fine too eventually.
It's also weird to imagine this is just the second talk with my 'new' psych, but I feel like I've had her for ages, and we discussed a whole lot already as compared to my previous psych. Even though I might get a month delay due to all of this, I am VERY glad I decided to swap.
Psychological test
And now the part which happened today: the test!
This test was taken by another person, and not my regular psych, and consisted of nothing more than a WHOLE LOT of questionnaires with questions ranging from deeply serious to... well... plain crazy.
Let me list a few... just for the lols.
- "Do you think other people can influence your mind and thoughts?" Think this one has been asked about a thousand (ok, I'm exaggerating) times just in different ways. Just HOW sure do they want to know I DO NOT think other people can influence, read, change, channel, whatever, my thoughts? Lol
- "Do you think all of humanity is plotting against you?" YE-... I mean NO! I wouldn't tell you that sssstupid humansssesss, cause you're in the plot too! (To steal my preciousss)
- "Do you believe you have magical powers?" Does WISHING you have them count? (or acting you do in a roleplay situation? :P)
- "Did you ever force someone to have sexual activity with you?" Uh what... and I would really tell you that if I were a sexual molester? Are they seriously THAT dumb? Next question "Did you murder someone?" xd
But yeah, actually it was rather funny at some points, and I even had a laugh with the guy taking the tests a couple times about how silly some questions were. Basically the only ones I could answer positively to were the questionnaires regarding gender, and I presume one that was about autism? I definitely couldn't tick all of the boxes there, and mostly was more in the middle, but I suppose that one will tell I MIGHT have a mild form of autism. Well, I already knew that. I don't care whether I do or not, as it doesn't hinder me in my daily life. One extra label won't make me a happier person.
In fact, I have been tested for autism, and when that showed I had/might have a mild form of Aspergers I actually starting behaving MORE autistically to subconsciously 'fit the label'. So no, it won't help me.
It's weird to imagine my next visit to the VU will already be in a week. Wait... WHAT? A WEEK? Holy cow! :') I didn't even realise it was THAT close already.
I had to move the sixth talk a week due a trip to Berlin, and I was pretty torn up about that at first, as it MIGHT be my last talk. But given the fact that would just be the fourth talk with my current psych I give it VERY low chances for it being the last. I currently have my last talk planned May the 7th, and I hope after that I can soon get green light and hormones. I have heard the wait can vary from 1 month to 4 months (in extreme cases) though. I hope I won't need to wait that long and can get T (=Testo) by summer... but we'll see. You never know with the VU...